Let's get Right to Repair passed! The video includes us speaking on a public sidewalk where there is no expectation of privacy, outside of my store. This is a recording of a contractor I paid over $30,000 to, who ripped me off, in my opinion. He lied to me every step of the way throughout the project, about materials he would use, the quality of the work, and more. He represented himself as a licensed contractor, which he is not. He has done this before to other people: read the court case documents on how he sent fake pictures of progress in order to collect money for work he did not perform, that he never denied or refuted. He has bankruptcy after bankruptcy from being sued after doing this to other people. It is my hopes that by making my experience public, he will not have the opportunity to misrepresent his work or his status as a licensed contractor to any other customer again. For more information on how this job was done, watch the rest of the series here: To view the contract, The last straw came today. We wanted a window in the front, and he put a piece of glass in the window that was black back - not seethrough. He knew it wouldn't work for us, and when his employee pointed it out, he instructed the employee to keep installing it, without asking us. The employee luckily has a conscience and purposely installed it in a manner where it can be removed very easily. The contractor knew by doing this, he'd create a change order to put the proper one in later(thus charging us extra to open the wall up after he had closed it and installed the wrong glass). That is a scumbag move in my opinion - it's time to let him go and let others know how he intended to rip us off so that you know not to do business with him. Hopefully tomorrow he brings by supplies that were paid for. If he does not, then we conclude with a lawsuit, DCA complaints, and disclosing the business name so NO ONE EVER GETS SCREWED BY HIM AGAIN. If he does, we still conclude our work together. I cannot work with someone who is actively looking to cut corners, and actively screw me any longer. TO BE CLEAR - GOTHAM CITY SOLUTIONS IS THIS MAN EUGENE HARRINGTON'S COMPANY THAT WAS HIRED TO DO THE WORK. GOTHAM CITY BUILDERS IS *NOT* THE SAME BUSINESS GOTHAM CITY TECHNOLOGY IS *NOT* THE SAME BUSINESS. They just so happen to be unlucky enough to have similar names in similar areas.